Our number one priority is to satisfy our customers by proactively and continuously monitoring, analyzing, and building solutions to improve their online presence.

Every project is unique. We provide the intelligence and support you need to successfully navigate an ever-changing digital landscape where anyone, anywhere, at any time, can publish content that affects your bottom line.

The World In Which You Live And Work Is Now Digital

There are now more than three billion people online, and their numbers keep growing. Over a billion already share information and ideas across social media every day, while 360 million take part in cross-border e-commerce. Plus, they submit more than 18 billion queries to Google and the other search engines each month. Brands seeking to be visible and relevant must constantly monitor and manage this complex environment where value is determined by their digital presence and how they behave both online and offline.

Digital Presence

Your digital presence is everything pertinent to your brand online.

Information about your business or organization is readily accessible via websites, social networks, directory profiles, news stories, and a variety of other digital channels. We identify the opportunities and challenges – and the gaps in between – and develop an action plan to address each of these touch points, as well as regularly measure your influence and risk.

Digital Influence

Your digital influence is your ability to drive a desired action both online and offline.

Whenever you share information – or someone shares information about you – it has an extensive impact. At the very least, people form an opinion about your brand. But it can go well beyond that to determine whether or not they will do businesses with you, and urge others to do the same. That is your online influence, and the more effectively you manage it, the better it will serve your needs. Accordingly, we work with you and your team to establish a baseline of digital influence and promote the essential elements to expand your reach, deepen your engagement, and enhance your relationships online and off.


Digital Risk

Your digital risk is the measure of your exposure to online threats.

Any information about your brand online – no matter what the source – has an element of risk. Not only can others post about you, but they can also alter your information to serve their interests or obstruct yours. Moreover, digital risk is more than just a technology issue. It is a problem that can seriously impair your relationships with customers, employees, regulators, and a host of other stakeholders. Which is why an increasing number of industry leaders believe digital risk management must be owned by the C-Suite.


Digital Risk Management Is The Next Stage In The Evolution Of Risk And Reputation For Organization’s Digital Presence And Global Influence

A Business Issue

Digital risk is associated with your digital presence online. It is a business issue, not just a marketing or communications, or technology issue. Industry leaders are finding that digital risk management needs to be owned by the C-Suite.

Quantification Of Digital Risk

DRM defines a foundation for managing digital risk across various digital platforms, both search and social, by quantifying how search and social are impacting your business.

Business-Defined Risk Balance

DRM enables business executives and their organizations to understand where information appears about them online and the digital risk profile from an outsiders perspective and equip them with the knowledge and framework needed to take a more proactive stance regarding what appears about them online

Digital Resiliency

The objective of digital risk management is to build digital resiliency, where an organization has a strong digital presence and influence and is aware of and responds to risks and threats to minimize disruption and financial impact.

Digital Risk Strategist

The role of a Digital Risk Strategist has emerged as a person with both business acumen and understanding with sufficient technical knowledge to assess and make recommendations appropriate to address the digital business risk.

The Agile Impact team works with you to build and protect your brand online. This includes tracking progress and potential challenges, actively managing programs to maintain results, and continually measuring against established benchmarks.